Friday, March 16, 2007

Let me tell you a little story

Once upon a time there was a little Florida girl.(me)

Hi there my name is Jessika since i can remember my eyes have to the sky, Where most little girls where afraid of storms i sat by the window watching them. Growing up in Florida I have had the pleasure of watching many different kinds of weather activity my favorite of course was the summer storms, I used to chase storms on my bike and i have been chased by storms on my bike( out running few)
I never had a camera growing up my family only could provide what we needed, but i aways wanted to film these storms,before i even knew what a storm chaser was.
At sixteen everything changed my dreams of filming where put aside when my daughter Cyndi was born, I raised her alone and kind of put everything aside with no money to further my education i put all i had into raising my daughter.
Many moons have passed my daughter is 19 now, and I have been married for seven years now and have a six year old boy, David.
My dreams are still on the side line, but now with a computer and my digital camera i can learn all i can about storms and i can capture the storms that pass by me.

Now let me tell you about this incredible man my idol Jeff Gammons At 32 years old this man is living the life i dreamed of when i was that little girl. A year ago when i finely got a computer the first thing i did was find all the weather sites i could. I found Jeff at yahoo groups -weathervine. I
then found his blog Where right now he is giving away a free hurricane video. Reading jeffs blog has provided me with so much information and the the video's he has captured are truly amazing he has inspired me to start living my dream again .
Jeff and one of his readers dewdrop have also inspired me to start my own weather blog.
Although my blog cannot provide you with the same information that Jeff's and dewdrops provide u can access their blog using my links.
You can also see Jeff's work @ which is a sister site to
To Jeff Gammons My own American idol thank you for your words and your eyes and letting me be apart of your life.

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