Monday, January 21, 2008

Its a beautiful day in the neigborhood

Check out the barometric pressure at the time of the storm, these measurements were taken at Brasher park where they have a weather station. The winds were not as strong there as they were here and other locations. I have heard all sorts of storeys.

Gasprella parade was canceled
Bay news 9 had a story. There was little to report and If tornadoes did touch down they were weak and brief.

For today there is a high pressure centered over the mid Atlantic states and is covering most of the eastern third of are country. A ridge is forecasted to move across our state Tuesday. Wednesday it looks like a week frontal boundary will move in, not nearly as strong as the last keeping our temps moderate. They show light pops with it but it focuses mainly on the south west.
Oh well It doesn't look good for anymore severe weather this week, I will just have to re watch my video to help with any wx blues.
That's for me now have a good Monday!
Jess.. :-)
Cloud Stalker

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