Dew Point: 51.1 °F
Humidity: 37%
Wind Speed: 3.0mph
Wind Gust: 6.0mph - -
Wind: SE - - ESE
Pressure: 30.08in Precipitation: 0.00in
Wow was my last post really in January, time flys. The weather here in west Pasco hasn't changed much. We have been stuck in a dry pattern for quite some time.
Yesterday we did receive some rain but it was only .27 It probably rolled right into the street my lawn is gone, so is everybody Else's in my neighborhood. It starting to look like a desert city.
Right now we have some nice puffy cumulus clouds going on blue skies and a awesome breeze from the east. Its hard to complain when the weather is so Beautiful.
I did a happy dance Knowing that the cold weather is gone for the year, I don't know how you northerners can stand all that cold but i get a little taste and I'm bitching.
What i really need to do is a rain dance, We are in a severe drought.
Rainfall deficit numbers just released by the Southwest Florida Water Management District show that on average the Bay area is already short nearly 6" of rain so far this year. That number combines with the ongoing drought to produce rainfall deficits for the region ranging from 27" to 33" over the past three years.Source-
That's dry.
Our next best chance for rain arrives late Saturday evening and into Sunday as a cold front moves through. This could even produce a line of thunderstorms as well.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one, I miss the sound of thunder.
well that's it for today and probably this month once the weather becomes more active so will my blogging. So if by any chance anyone reads this, don't forget to look up and enjoy Ma Nature at her best!
Cloud Stalker
1 comment:
Silly me in NC wondered where you were? I know you start to get excited this time of year LOL....
I look forward to more wonderful shots and 37% humidity in FL? :)
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