SKY WATCH FRIDAY- Your Host Mr. Tom Wigley register your favorite sky photo an share it with the world!


Yes me and my camera having been having fun. I have been taking all kinds of pictures. flowers,ant piles,trees. I liked the shadow pictures the best out all the pictures I took.
The top picture titled "Blue skies and palm trees baby" represents May 2008 in Pasco, Florida.
I took a couple pictures of my shadow alone and i did not like how fat i look. I am such a girl!!LOL. I will however share one with you because I'm not that vain. I warn you though I look like a weeble wobble!

Peace and love to all!!!
Happy Sky watch and have A great weekend!
Lovely and funny as well....
Nice pictures for sky watch.
Nice weekend vishes comes here to you, from Anne in the middle of Norway.
Intriguing photo! A storm coming? Like the shadow play too - funny! Have a great day! :D
Creative Sky Watch! ;)
Very good Sky Watch-post!
Intriguing photo!
Interesting photographs.
Witty and creative images. Love your blog name.
Great SWF and I love the shadow idea you silly lovely lady!
Excellent shadow in action!
A wonderful serie!!
Thanks for stopping by. I may have to come to Florida next summer. Haven't been there in many years. Still looks good through the palm fronds. Pappy
I'm so glad you're doing sky watch Fridays!!!
peace out. Nice shots!
This is a great perspective. Love these photos they have an arty feel.
Oooooooo....Shadows! I never thought of that. I will have try. Camera in hand....will try anything. MB
Your photos are excellent!
Very interesting photos!
Great Sky Watch..I enjoyed your humour to.. :O)
Great post, great pictures, well done.
I love the thickness of the clouds in the first photo - great!
Peace and love, cloudstalker! Lovely new storm pic there.
hehe these are fun! and as for the shadow of you, us girls who don't quite have the potential supermodel build can always wait until dawn or dusk, those long tall shadows are SOOOOOOO flattering! (see http://arty-fartying-around.blogspot.com/2008/05/and-we-finally-made-it-across-border.html ) of course you must make sure you are not standing next to someone who is half as wide, it rather kills the illusion, hehe!
Palm trees I haven't seen since the early 2000's, nice to see them posted here, better to see them in person during our winter season. Nice sky, interesting shadows; looks like a fun photo activity.
No post today? :(
Lovely and funny shots!
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