Tuesday, November 20, 2007

copy and paste/ For sneak preview

For some reasn I cant link this so just copy and paste for sneak preview of The Twister Sisters reality show.


Dewdrop said...

Jess!!! You are in the "A Perfect Match" promo right after me!!! How cool, we made the same promo!!!

CloudStalker said...


Unknown said...

I have no idea what to expect. We had quite a bit of technical input with the writers but how it cut will be really interesting to see. In the promos, the majority of the tornado footage was shot by either myself or Reed Timmer going back to 2003. I'm interested to see if any of it works it's way into the episodes for the sake of "making TV". Stay tuned I guess...

CloudStalker said...

Interesting indeed!
In the first couple promos on we t.v. I saw my storm!!
That day was the best I saw the birth of a super cell and then was able to watch it produce a small but still increible tornado