Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Its raining, its pouring, my kitty cats are snoring

This radar site makes everything look severe whats really happing is rain. No thunder no wind no nothing just rain and No fun and im off today go figure. Yes I am working again nights at the Village Inn and tomorrow i go in to another restaurant called hill top cafe to see if maybe i will have a day job too. I don't know how hill top will pan out, she just said 'I am bringing everybody in" Sounds like she cleaning house and if i want the job i will have to go up against others. Wish me luck. I will have gone from no jobs to two jobs within a week. I can live with that. We need so much( I want so much).
Remember my kittens that I saved,well its been eight months now and I have grown very fond of them.
Noah, who we think is part squirrel is are olive eater. He just loves olives and will do anything for one even beg like a dog and when he is finished he acts like he is on cat nip.
Eli is my boy he has taken a great liking to me, he sleeps on me literally on me dosnt matter how i sleep he will find away to lay on me.
2:07pm- Holy crap its pouring!still no wind just strait line rain.
Back too my kitty's, anyway guess what another cat has found her way to our house she has actually been vistaing for the last couple months i think she is Eli sister if u remember Eli found his way to my bedroom window when he was just 7 wks old. This one is so friendly we just assumed she was somebody's kitty we never fed her. She was very persistent about coming inside but we never let her. Finely i started asking around to find out who she belonged to well come to find out nobody new. so we let her in and let me also remind you i have 2 dogs also. she just waltzed right inn rubbed up against both dogs and bam she made herself at home never asking to go back outside. I feel like a kitty magnet. My son has named her Salina and he has taken ownership. I am making him help me with the kitty litter.
2;16 just drizzling now.
This is Noah

This is Eli

And introducing MS.Salina

Well if the weather takes a turn for the worse i will updat but thats all I got for now.
Cloud Stalker

1 comment:

herb said...

That's funny!

I just clicked on the "Next Blog" on our blog and yours came up. We are just South of Atlanta and it's raining like crazy up here, too.

It'll be pouring down one minute and 10 minutes later it's all gone with gorgeous, cloudy and blue skies! Never seen anything like it.