Saturday, October 8, 2011

Picture a day

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Picture a day

Nector of the Gods!

Picture a day

Happy trails to you.....
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Picture a day

Happy hump day!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Picture a day

Welcome Monday, talk to Tues.Weds.Thurs. See about Friday coming a little quicker this week. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sunshine still ruling over Florida

I so miss the sound of thunder. The dazzle of lightning,and the wind ripping trough the trees. It looks as though the beautiful weather will last through out the week into next week.(sigh) The beginning of the week there is a small hope for rain, I am so tired of the same ol same ol. The hub and i are talking about moving to Kentucky. I want change i have lived here my whole life and even though its a small taste of paradise, it gets old. So whats in Kentucky? Well my daughter moved there with her boyfriend and my grandson. My hub's sisters and step dad are there and the weather changes. I have never seen a real fall nor have i seen snow. I need a change.
I have no new pictures to share, to much of the same. lol

Sunday, February 27, 2011